your ceremony has already begun

Hi, my name is Aniko. I’m an associate psychedelic therapist, meditation teacher and sound ceremony facilitator.

I support people in connecting with their own inner healer to create new possibilities in their lives through the use of sound. I work with clients who are wanting to create change in their lives. I offer psychedelic integration. If you’ve decided to start using plant medicine/ketamine or have already started this journey, I support clients with both pre-ceremony preparation and post-ceremony integration.


Aniko Z. Benedek holds an MSW from Columbia University School of Social Work and a B.S. from Vanderbilt University. She is an associate clinical social worker (#120176) at Full Circle Therapy Collective and Silvi Integrative Health. She is a meditation teacher and holds space for clients working in non-ordinary states by creating a safe set and setting through the use of over-tone rich instruments, the natural harmonic scale, breathwork and sound. She has been involved in the psychedelic space for over 7 years and has been facilitating sound ceremonies since 2019.

She trained with Polaris Insight Center for Ketamine-Assisted Therapy, completed her fieldwork at MAPS and also works with Horizons PBC. She is the founder of Sound Ceremony.

waking up to who you are requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be. 

- Alan Watts

Sound ceremony is a practice of finding space between stimulus and response so that we can get out of reactivity and have more choice and freedom in our lives.

Sound Ceremony integrates the science of sound and ancient wisdom to support you in transformative healing journey.

Everything in the universe is vibration which means everything is sound.

Our realities are shaped by sound or our inner sound also known as thinking.

By listening to the sounds outside of ourselves, we start to understand the sounds within. This allows us to create better narratives that support the lives we want to create.

If you are interested in learning more about sound ceremonies, schedule an exploratory call.

“Other people are not here to love us in the exact way we think they should, they are here to set up a healing ceremony at which we learn how to love ourselves.”

Brianna Wiest

Sound Ceremony Benefits

Emotional Healing and Trauma Release
Individuals can access and release traumas through these therapeutic approaches, facilitating emotional healing and promoting a journey towards wholeness.

Inner Harmony and Tranquility
Whether through sound or psychedelic therapy, participants experience inner peace and tranquility, creating a harmonious mental and emotional landscape.

Deepened Connection to Self
Both practices establish a profound connection and attunment with the self, encouraging a deeper understanding of one's inner being.

Heightened Mindfulness and Present Awareness
Participants in these practices report enhanced presence and self-awareness, fostering mindfulness in the present moment and a deeper engagement with the here and now.

Non-Judgmental Self-Exploration
Encouraging a state of equanimity and non-judgment, individuals can observe their thoughts and experiences without attachment or criticism, fostering a supportive environment for self-exploration and personal growth.

Inner Stillness and Mental Clarity
Sound and psychedelic therapy foster inner stillness, providing a mental sanctuary free from habitual patterns and promoting clarity of thought.

Transformation of Negative Habits
Engaging in these practices allows individuals to disentangle from undesirable habits, whether emotional, energetic, intellectual, or physical, paving the way for positive behavioral transformations.

Cognitive Empowerment and Positive Shifts
These modalities empower positive cognitive shifts, influencing thought patterns and promoting a more constructive and optimistic mindset.

Holistic Mental Health Support
Sound can be a valuable tool in quitting anti-depressants and managing depression, contributing to mental health and emotional well-being. holistic mental health and emotional well-being.

Calm Nervous System and Anxiety Reduction
Sound can considerably diminishes anxiety and panic attacks, providing a soothing influence on the nervous system and promoting a sense of calm.

  • talk therapy

  • ketamine-assisted therapy

  • psychedelic integration

  • sound ceremony

  • apprenticeship

What I offer:


Aniko offers apprenticeship opportunities for hands-on learning on how to facilitate sound ceremonies. Apprenticeship will help you prepare for working with clients in non-ordinary states of consciousness using the powerful tools of sound.

If you are interested in learning more about apprenticeship, please find a time to chat.

Make it happen

Thanks for visiting. I look forward to going on this journey with you.